OroCommerce product sheet
Today, the e-commerce market is very widespread in B2C. When we look at the predictions, the B2B e-commerce market would even soon become the first sales channel! Indeed, acco...

OroCommerce : new release 4.2 LTS version
OroCommerce is, according to us, the ideal tool for carrying out ambitious and operational B2B e-commerce projects thanks to a stable and scalable platform. After a rewarding ...

Punch Out
What is it ? Punch Out is an intercommunication system between a company’s computer applications and its suppliers. It refers to the connection between the purchasin...

Oro 3.0 Beta is available !
Before the launch of its versions LTS 3.0 for OroPlatform, OroCRM and OroCommerce, Oro has just released its intermediate versions 3.0 Beta for OroPlatform and OroCRM....

Oro Commerce 1.6 LTS arrived
Oro announced the release of OroCommerce 1.6 LTS (Long Term Support). In this version, Oro Inc team updated the application with a lot of new functionnalities and improvements...

Kiboko becomes OroCommerce partner
We are proud to announce Kiboko partnership with OroCommerce. After being amoung the first providers to use, instal and develop solutions based on OroCommerce, we naturally be...